The Liberia National Red Cross Society is the single largest national humanitarian organization in Liberia. It is a Voluntary Humanitarian Organization and an auxiliary to the public authorities and the Government, delivering services to the most vulnerable in emergency, including disasters, conflict, civil strife, ill-health and contextual social issues. The Liberian Red Cross is represented in each of the fifteen counties by a chapter and in the districts by a branch, from which we are able to reach regional and remote communities.

Established in 1919 and reaffirmed in 2008 by the National Legislature of the Republic of Liberia, the Liberian Red Cross has and continues to provide vital humanitarian services to vulnerable people and communities in Liberia.

The birth of the Liberian Red Cross was influenced by global historical developments back in 1919 January at the end of World War I. The late President of Liberia, Daniel E. Howard, moved with compassion by the degree of suffering occasioned the war and constituted a Voluntary Relief Committee as an auxiliary to the Government to raise funds and assist the war victims.

In 1922, the National Legislature of Liberia passed a joint resolution to give the committee a legal status. The Legislature in its resolution reconstituted the voluntary relief committee into what is known today as the Liberia National Red Cross Society (LNRCS). LNRCS was also admitted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) as a member of the International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies in 1959. And later in August 2008, the Liberian Red Cross became recognized by an Act of law passed by the National Legislature. 

The Liberian Red Cross has worked with communities, assisting during conflict, supporting Liberians as we transitioned to peace and more recently working to end the deadly Ebola outbreak. Our key strength lies in our unique ability to scale-up humanitarian and development assistance, and collaborate with all partners, by mobilizing our thousands of trained volunteers around the country.

Our volunteers are from the very communities they serve. We therefore have a true insight and foundation of trust across the country. Whether it is the threat of Ebola, responding to fire and other disasters, supporting livelihoods, or equipping our young people with the necessary skills to thrive, the Liberian Red Cross is steadfast in its commitment to long term humanitarian relief.

The Liberian Red Cross as first responder in times of emergency provides immediate relief and health services to mitigate the suffering of the vulnerable population.  We are part of the solution in Liberia. With neutrality and impartiality, we offer hope and support. We act as a force for positive change in communities. We work to empower vulnerable people, reduce human suffering, and promote peace and building resilient communities everywhere for everyone. We are present in the 94 districts of the 15 counties with a strong volunteer’s network delivering quality services.


The Liberia National Red Cross Society has two structures –the governance and the Management. These two structures are both represented at the national and local levels considering gender representation. The governance is headed by the National President supported by three vice presidents and a national Treasurer who are elected at the General Assembly. The Management structure is headed by a Secretary General who is recruited through a competitive process and given a definite contract by the Governance Board.

The LNRCS otherwise known as the National Society is governed by the Liberia National Red Cross Society 2018 revised and amended Constitution. Periodical changes are made to the Constitution on the recommendation of the Board and under the approval of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Defence. The governance structure of Liberia National Red Cross Society consists of the following levels.


The General Assembly is the highest decision making body of the National Society and is responsible for general policies, electing the National Executive Board, approving annual reports, and other activities outlined in the Constitution. The General Assembly convenes every 2 years in the month of December in an ordinary session for a mid-term review at all levels and in the fourth year for election of a new national leadership to stairs the affairs of the institution for the next four years. The GA brings together the National Executive Committee, National Executive Board, the Chapter Executive Committee, members, Management staff and volunteers, and other non-voting members including the Ministry of Health and Internal Affairs on the board. Others are including INGOs, NGOs, UN, NEC and the Media are often invited to witness the assembly.



The National Executive Board is the body that governs the National Society in the period between the session meetings of the General Assembly. The Board is responsible for the annual budget, policies, rules and regulations governing operations and to ensure the National Society adheres always to its primary mandate as described in the Act to Establish the Liberia National Red Cross Society. The Board consists of 23 voting members: the President, 3 Vice Presidents, a National Treasurer, 15 chapter chairpersons, National Youth Representative, two eminent persons (Lawyer and a Doctor) elected in their personal capacity. The Secretary-General is a non voting member. The Board governs all chapters and headquarter functions. All members of the Board are volunteers who freely donate their time, energy and professional expertise to Liberia National Red Cross Society.


The National Executive Committee is made up of 7 key members of the Board and deliberates on all matters of interest to the National Society, making decisions on these matters and then presenting these decisions to the Board for discussion, modification and ratification.


The President is the highest competent authority of the National Society and under the direction of the General Assembly, the National Executive Board and the National Executive Committee, guides the affairs of the National Society and ensures the National Society pursues its objectives.


The Secretary General is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Society and Secretary of the General Assembly, the Board and the Committee. The Secretary General is responsible for implementing general policies, mandates and operations.